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Software Engineers (Graduate / Senior)

Posted: July 3, 2024
Company name: EPrints Services
Location: Southampton, uk
Country: United Kingdom
Pay rate: £34,980 - £42,978 / £44,263 - £56,021
Poster represents: an employer
Terms of employment: Salaried employee
Hours: Flexible
Onsite: yes
Description: We primarily develop and maintain Web based services for a wide variety of both education and commercial organisations all over the World.

At our core is an open source repository platform, EPrints, which provides a flexible way to configure operations concerning data capture, structure and presentation, and a range of services that allow content to be accessed in a variety of ways. We support our many customers by maintaining our own Linux based hosting virtual machine infrastructure.

We are a well established small Enterprise team based in the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton.

These roles are being advertised to Graduates through to more experienced Software Engineers, to allow you to find your place in our team. And as such these are Level 4 and Level 5 posts.

If you are interested or have questions then please get in touch with Justin Bradley – justin@soton.ac.uk

Our current openings can be applied for via:

jobs.soton.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?ref=278... (Software Engineer)

jobs.soton.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?ref=279... (Senior Software Engineer)
Desired skills: Perl!, Linux, Web scripting languages, CSS and databases i.e. web development

While the core software is Perl based, beyond this we use a lot of Javascript, CSS and XML, and have projects involving Python, PHP, Docker and WordPress, to name but a few.

While we are looking to recruit full time staff, if you are local to Southampton and are interested in working part time with us, perhaps while pursuing your current research or PhD, drop us a line.
Website for more information: www.eprints.org
Contact information: Justin Bradley – justin@soton.ac.uk

jobs.soton.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?ref=278... (Software Engineer)

jobs.soton.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?ref=279... (Senior Software Engineer)

Comments to Ask Bjørn Hansen at ask@perl.org.